Useful products to increase potency

useful products for potency

A man of any age wants to stay on top of intimate things. To be successful, you not only have to make love more often or take special medications, but you also have to eat right. In this article, you can find out which products will be most useful for increasing your potency.

Oysters against premature ejaculation

Perhaps this is the most popular product that increases your potential. Casanova is believed to have eaten 60 pieces of these seafood daily. And, as you know, almost all his life he was characterized by special ingenuity in love affairs. Modern men need to follow suit if they want to stay healthy for a long time. But they should consume oysters in moderation. And by the way, not only to increase potency, but also to prevent premature ejaculation.

Flounder increases the "performance" of the male organ.

Flounder is famous for both its taste and its health benefits. It contains many different vitamins, zinc, essential amino acids and other important trace elements. It is well absorbed in the body, increases resistance to stress and immunity. It actively affects the "viability" of the male organ. Before using this product for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes, it must be steamed for effectiveness.

fish fillet for efficiency

Mackerel increases libido

Another fish that is famous for its usefulness to the human body. But you can only use it in cooked or fried form. This is the only way to keep important substances such as omega-6 and omega-3 acids, phosphorus and iodine in their composition. It is worth noting that consuming mackerel can also improve libido and spermatogenesis.

Turnip improves spermatogenesis

This potency product is useful for men due to its rich composition, which includes: vitamins C, B and A, nicotinic acid, various trace elements. It can be used to prevent cancer, improve spermatogenesis and libido, and normalize blood circulation. And also as an anesthetic, wound healer and tonic. Turnips can be cooked in many ways, but it’s better to make a salad out of it.

turnips to increase potency

Walnut enhances erectile function

Daily use of nuts, especially in combination with honey, improves erection, improves blood circulation, dilates blood vessels, strengthens the immune system. As the best potency product, every man should include in their diet: almonds, cashews, hazelnuts, peanuts, walnuts. Not necessarily in the form in which they are sold. You can use them to make salads or light casserole dishes.

Vegetables increase sexual desire

Products that increase the effectiveness of men include white cabbage, sugar beet, beets, onions, traditional garlic and radishes. Once in the body, these vegetables strengthen it, enhance the immune response, improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, and replenish the body with useful vitamins and microelements. They are very well absorbed, increase libido, increase sexual desire. You can use both the upper and underground parts of vegetables for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes.

vegetables for potency

Meat improves sperm quality

When answering the question of what foods increase potency, one should not ignore lean red meat and dietary types. Men are advised to include rabbit meat, beef, horsemeat, chicken, turkey and quail in their diet. Such meat improves sperm quality, helps regulate the release of hormones and saturates cells with oxygen. It is worth using steamed or cooked.

Seafood contains aphrodisiacs

In addition to the oysters and flounder already mentioned in the article, men benefit from the use of potency-enhancing products donated by the sea. In particular, they should include shrimp, lobster, caviar (black and red), and fish oil in their diet. These seafood are rich in nutrients. They contain fatty acids, selenium, various trace elements, including phosphorus and calcium, minerals. In addition, they are champions in the number of aphrodisiacs. You need to cook seafood quickly and for a short time. This allows them to save their entire stock of valuable materials. It is better to eat fried or cooked.

shrimp to increase potency

Coffee and chocolate bring happiness and joy

The phenylethylamine and caffeine contained in these male enhancement products are similar in effect to dopamine and serotonin. They are able to activate the work of the brain centers that are responsible for the feeling of happiness and enjoyment. And they also contribute to an increase in overall body tone and male libido. But you don’t have to be delighted with chocolate and coffee! Many doctors say you can consume up to 40 grams of natural chocolate and 1 cup of coffee a day.

Berries and fruits allow you to stay "giant"

It should include fruits and berries in the diet of the man who wants to stay giant in love affairs. Apples, bananas, avocados and strawberries can have the best effect on the body. They contain special trace elements that improve blood flow in all organs. Bananas also provide a stable erection and increase the duration of sexual intercourse. Strawberry contains zinc, which is involved in the synthesis of testosterone in the body. It will also be helpful for a man to eat grapes, raspberries and mangoes.

fruits and berries to increase potency


Another product to increase the efficiency of celery. Many doctors call it nothing more than an analogue of the popular pill and recommend its use for libido disorders, erectile dysfunction, and infections of the urogenital system. And also to prevent prostatitis. You can use the roots and stems of the plant for medicinal purposes.

Honey to normalize sexual function

Honey has a positive effect on the human body. It contributes to improving the functioning of the reproductive system, normalizing sexual function, improving sperm quality and improving sperm survival. It helps prevent the development of impotence. Therefore, it is recommended for use by all men without exception. For best effect, honey should be consumed with nuts. To create a medicine, mix 150 grams of crushed walnuts and 1 tablespoon. a spoonful of honey, put in the refrigerator. Eat 1 tbsp. spoon three times a day 2-3 minutes before meals.

honey to increase potency

Spices and condiments promote blood flow

Scientists have long shown that foods flavored with oriental spices have a positive effect on men’s libido. The best: cardamom, red and black ground pepper, ginseng, ginger. They contribute to good blood flow in the proper "places" of the male body. And it also significantly improves the mood.

Drinks to increase potency

Green and red tea also help increase the effectiveness of men. The first contains a lot of zinc, which contributes to the production of testosterone, and the second contains special amino acids that regulate sexual function and metabolism. But it is better to drink green tea brewed immediately after a meal and red tea hot in the late afternoon. Then these drinks have a more effective effect on the body. Black tea can also be drunk to enhance men’s health, but it is worth adding currant leaves, rosehips or St. John’s wort.

Lemon juice is also very useful for men. It should be added to any beverage to speed up the metabolism and metabolic processes in the body. You can even make a special cocktail from 2 quail eggs, 2 teaspoons of honey and half a lemon juice. Another healthy drink is a drink made from a mixture of carrots and birch sap. For best results, drink daily (with a glass).

A man’s sexual abilities can also increase protein shakes, dandelion decoction, black radish juice. The use of ordinary dried fruit compote shows good results. To prepare, take apricots, prunes and figs, bring to a boil in a pan and add a few tablespoons of sugar. Pour the drink into a glass and add honey. Drink 2 glasses or more a day.

green tea for potency

Other useful products

The list of potency-enhancing products may also include pumpkin seeds, ginger root, unrefined vegetable oil, walnut oil, parsley, asparagus, parsnips and ginseng. It would be useful to include flaxseed or soybean oil (as a better salad dressing), camel stomach (or rennet), shark or skate meat, quail eggs, bee bread, watermelon, avocado, pomegranate, dried dates, cumin. a man. As well as all dairy products except sour cream. Up to 2 tablespoons can be consumed. spoon daily, no more.

Products banned due to potency issues

To avoid the development of impotence, men should exclude semi-finished products, energy drinks, soda, smoked bacon and meat, dried fish, salted peanuts and biscuits, chips, smoked sausages, alcohol andother harmful products. However, it is highly desirable to give up fast food and smoking. White bread, sweets, rich pastries, pickles, potatoes, pasta, rice can only be eaten in small quantities.

Make a note of that!

In order to never know about potential problems, you don’t have to buy the supposed miracle drugs that are often advertised on the internet and on TV. It is enough to pay attention to your diet and eat properly. In addition, it is highly desirable to minimize the consumption of alcoholic beverages and to stop smoking. If you continue to have problems, do not hesitate to contact a sexologist or endocrinologist. These doctors will definitely help. Take care of your male strength, be healthy!